Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Make a Safety Pin Bracelet


  • 40-50 small safety pins 
  • 1 pack of seed beads 
  • Spacer beads 
  • Elastic cord
  • Scissors
Here's How:

Open one of the safety pins and thread seed beads onto the open prong leaving enough space to refasten the pin, repeat the process until all of the pins have been beaded.

Next cut 2 12" pieces of elastic cord.

Thread one of the cords through the hole in the top of a safety pin, then through a spacer bead and then through the hole in the bottom of another safety pin, continue to thread in this manner until your bracelet is long enough to go around your wrist.

Then take the second cord and thread it through the bottom of the bracelet, adding a spacer bead between each pin.

Finally tie the ends of the bracelet together and its ready to wear :)

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